Our Weekly Meditation


Our Weekly Meditation

Join us every Thursday evening from 7:30pmEST - 8:15pmEST via Zoom for our liturgical practice, dharma discussions and sitting meditation practice (Zazen).

All are welcome!

We typically have a 15 minute period of chanting and readings, followed by 25 minutes of sitting meditation.

Fundamentally, we invite you to simply dive in and see what this is practice is about! There is no moment like this moment to start this practice. And also no way to screw it up!

How to get started

Simply sign up on the mailing list and we will send you the weekly newsletter that contains the Zoom link to our weekly meditation, announcements, a weekly read on a topic within Zen Buddhism, and more.


New to Zen? No problem!

Feel free to just show up! Alternatively, feel free email us directly if you have any questions or concerns beforehand.

A video on how to do Zen meditation can be found here. You might find it useful to watch this before your first visit.

Sign Up to Get Started!

Simply sign up for the mailing list and join a wonderful practice community. If you have any other questions you can always email us directly as well!